Wednesday 2 September 2015

Miss Universe visit !

Yesterday the year 7 and 8’s had special visitors come to their block. They were the top 20 Miss Universe contests for New Zealand ! But only 16 could make it.

It was so exciting. They came to speak to us about Entrepreneurs and enterprise. They were so inspiring. One of the contestants even started her own Recycling Company to raise money for her charity. She also said that we have dreams that we can just sleep and imagine and there are the dreams that we have were we wake and chase the to become reality. Gabby (One of the contestants) is also a nurse. She has a passion for helping people so she joined to help raise money for charity and also to share her beauty.

After their speech they came to see how we work . Four ladies came to our class. It was Hannah, Monique , Olivia and Sharne. In my group we had me, Khaia, Quinlan , Brandon and Hannah ! She was so amazing !!

She told us about how Miss Universe works and some of the questions they answer. My favorite moment with her was when she told us that if she could be any animal in the world she would be a Kangaroo because she sees her life just as a kangaroo moves because it can only  move forward and not move back . We had a great time together. And the next day the will be heading for Manila in the Philippines I hope Hannah wins the Pageant competition !!  

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