W.A.L.T : Use the structure of newspaper articles to write news reports
Year One Kids using tablets for their learning.
Pt England School.
Lead : Instead of using heaps of paper Year one students at Pt England School are using tablets for their learning.
Para One - Why Tablets ?
Juniors at Pt England have tablets because it helps expand the learning more. Mrs Garden said She thinks that “it makes their learning faster on their tablets and paper and pencil is only one way to write.”
Mrs George, another Teacher, says “children think it’s better than Ipads and Its the right size for them instead of buying heaps of stationery”. Also Kahurangi and Oalii, the kids I interviewed said “I love it !”
Para Two - How many classes use the idea of tablets.
Three of the Junior classes are trialing using their own tablets as their learning tool. Their Teachers say that it is really helping with their reading, writing as well as their speaking.
Para Three - Do they pay for it ?
The reason why they have tablets is because the are trialing and who knows they may have all the junior kids using a tablet of their own ! Also what's cool about it is that they don’t pay for it because it is a trial.
Ariana, one of a students in Pt England School, thinks it is an awesome idea for year one kids to be using tablets because it’s a fun way to express their learning online.
Last term in my literacy group I was learning how to write a newspaper article. I chose to write about the year one's using tablets. The teachers say it's better than using pencil and paper and it's a lot more fun. All the kids are grateful for having a tablet other than nothing. It also is an awesome way of learning how to be cyber smart. It is shared on my blog if you would like to read my article.