Friday 17 October 2014


Capitals - what are they and when do you use them in writing?

WALT: Write an explanation telling people what capital letters are and when you use them in writing.

Do you know what a capital letter is ? A capital letter is  well known as a upper case letter for it’s size. Capital letters comes in different shapes as well. Sometimes when you write a capital letter it’s not the same shape as the lower case letter (the smaller letters) for example the capital Q is not the same shape as the smaller q.  When writing a capital letter it always has to reach the top of the line.  

Capital letters are used for different kind of things like names of geographical places. Geographical places are places like  countries around the world and the cities in the country. It can also be use for places like McDonald's and fish and chips stores.   

Dates. Us human beings use capitals for dates like months and days of the week. We use them because it doesn't look tidy when writing it .

In titles are capital letters. Titles are things like movies, games, shops and more. All of them have capitals. For example when buying Black ops 2 on the cover it has a capital at the beginning of the title. If you go to the shop the logo of the store has a capital.   

We use Capitals after a full stop to start a new sentence. For me it helps me to see where an new sentence it because I can’t really see the full stops. So it really helps me. It also marks where a new sentence begins. Some people forget but the way I remember to put a capital is to re read it.

Conclusion: We should always use capitals to make sense when writing or speaking.

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